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The A to Z of Career Success

Career progress is a constant journey of learning, humility, and courage. And remember, the road to success is always under construction.  People who succeed in their careers and professional endeavours come in all shapes and sizes, genders and cultures, but they all possess many of the qualities highlighted below:

A – Agility

Today, it is more important for professionals to be agile. Agile leaders are not only exceptional at coping with change, but also in driving it, anticipating change and even initiating it. Your agility is contagious and it can spread like wildfire across the team.

B – Boldness

There is a difference between being bold and being brazen. Boldness is the ability to show courage and decisiveness when it comes to dealing with uncertainty. Balanced leaders effectively juggle the importance of meeting their business objectives, and the importance of looking after the needs of their team and organization.

C – Communication

While communication is important for everyone in the workplace, the successful ones are always first-rate communicators. They take pride in their solid values and promote them with a lot of clarity. It’s their competitive drive and clear communication that paves the pathway to success.

D – Drive

The starting point of any achievement is a burning desire and determination to make it happen whatever the challenge. Making decisions is the defining aspect of a successful professional. The drive to succeed is deeply rooted in your DNA and is unyielding, whatever the situation.

E – Enthusiasm 

Enthusiasm is what fuels a successful person to go the extra mile. Every time you embark on something, remember to do it with all your might and stamp it with your unique personality. Be energetic, enthusiastic and active, and you will surely accomplish your dream. You need to be personally energetic first and then energize others.

F – Focus

Successful professionals possess the ability to stay extremely focused. The ability to see beyond, plan for the future and take necessary action is one of the hallmarks of a true leader. It takes a focused person to keep an even keel in the storm.

G – Gratitude

Grateful people are always joyful and this is one of the secrets to a successful life. When you are thankful for what you have, you multiply the chances of receiving more. Always be grateful for what you have achieved and the people who have helped you to get there.

H – Honesty

You can’t progress in your career if others can’t depend on your honesty. When you display honesty, you can invest precious time and energy in supporting the growth of other people, helping them to be the best they can be.

I – Inspiration

The ability to inspire people to reach great heights is a skill that successful professionals possess. When your purpose finds passion, that’s when you become truly inspirational. The ability to communicate that passion and meaning to others helps establish the inspirational culture of your entire team. Inspiration is oxygen to the soul.

J – Just

You can be just or fair and still make bold and decisive leadership decisions quickly. Being just is perhaps the trait most noticeable in successful professionals and that’s what separates them from the rest. When you are seen as a fair and just person, others will go

well beyond what’s required to earn your trust.

K – Knowledge

In the information age, you must possess a range of knowledge at your disposal.  This means you read widely and communicate this knowledge effectively to the people you interact with. High networth professionals never stop learning about their peers, their profession and their industry all the time.

L – Leadership

As it’s repeated often, the best way to lead is to lead by example. And this starts by you setting an example of absolute honesty, integrity and competency. Leading by example means showing up, being supportive, and inspiring others to experiment and innovate.

M – Motivation

Successful people are passionate and motivated about what they do. Indeed, it is your level of motivation that can inspire your team members to do better work. Model the attitude you want each person to have and this will lead everyone to success.

N – Nurture

Great leaders have a strong drive to invest in people and for the rewards it will bring to people personally. They find satisfaction not only in teaching others but also in nurturing them. It’s how well you prepare everyone to be exactly where you want them to be.

O – Optimism

Optimism can move mountains and set the human soul on fire. Optimistic people are constant creators of circumstances. This is what drives excellence and this is how you can get people to do things that take the excellence forward.

P – Personable

People who are personable are responsive to the needs of others. They build a great rapport and constantly empower others by displaying genuine concern for them. By never losing your sense of purpose., they create a reliable compass setting for those around you.

Q – Quality

Quality is more than the university degrees and previous titles. Irrespective of your chosen field, the quality of your life will always be in direct proportion to your commitment to excellence. Focus on maintaining quality in every endeavour you undertake.

R – Results-driven

Wherever they are placed, successful professionals naturally produce results. Whatever role you’re in, ensure you communicate well with your peers, set the right objectives and measure performance constantly.

S – Self-esteem

Self-esteem is the cornerstone of a healthy leader. When you display high self-esteem not only you do great work, but you also inspire confidence in others. Great leaders believe in their capabilities, have faith in themselves and have incredible strength to stay the course.

T – Trust

Trust is the cornerstone of a healthy and productive work environment. When trust is built communication becomes easy and productivity increases. Trustworthy leaders understand the importance of staying the course when circumstances may distract and dissuade most people.

U – Unique 

You have a distinct thumbprint so you can leave a distinct imprint on this planet.  When you remember you are unique, you can identify and understand where your strengths lie, stand out at the workplace and showcase your talent.

V – Vision

Good leaders passionately create a vision, articulate it well, and relentlessly drive it to completion. When you work committedly towards your vision, navigating all obstacles, people around you will go all out to support you for your endeavours.

W – Wellness

In a highly demanding world, getting ‘work-life balance’ is important. Working balanced hours on a sustained basis is not only good for your health but also for your productivity,  for your people and ultimately your organization.

X – X-Factor

Great leaders possess an X-Factor that leads their team to greatness. It is important to be comfortable in your own skin, recognize your strengths and excel in those areas. At the same time, you are also receptive to outside ideas and assistance.

Y – Yearning

A successful person brings an undeniable yearning to take on new opportunities and challenges. The yearning never ends and they are never satisfied with the status quo. This is precisely what defines their reason for existing.

Z – Zest

Professionals who are successful enjoy what they do. They love their lives and live to the fullest. And this what inspires others to follow their example. If you want to succeed, get an undying zest for life and it will reflect in everything you do.

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