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How to Power Dress for the Job Interview

“Perception is reality.”

“A picture is worth a thousand words.”

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

These age-old quotes could never be so true, especially when it comes to dressing up for the job interview.

Win the perception battle in the first five seconds.

What you wear to your next job interview might be more important than you think. Because your appearance is the first thing people notice about you – and first impressions are usually formed within the first five seconds. It’s also true that recruiters need to visualize you in the position they are trying to fill. So make it easier for them.

Here are a few guidelines to help you dress appropriately, feel comfortable and help your true personality shine through.

Invest in a ‘power outfit’. Before you decide what to wear to a job interview, check out the accepted norms in the Canadian marketplace and the culture of the company you are interviewing with. Depending on the industry you are targetting, invest in a few outfits that are ideal, recommmended, professional and, comfortable.

Your appearance will not only demonstrate that you’re taking the job offer seriously and that you would fit in nicely within the company culture, it can also communicate that you have respect for the interviewer.

Remember, there are no absolute rules regarding dress. Your selection will vary based on your occupation, location, and preference. The primary aim is to look the part, and dress in a manner that is consistent with your industry.

  • Neat, clean work clothes are ideal for production or warehouse positions.
  • Business clothes are recommended for sales and office positions.
  • A conservative suit would be preferred for professional and managerial positions.

Iron or dry-clean your outfits. It doesn’t hurt to tailor your interview and work wardrobe to fit better. Avoid wrinkled clothing and make sure your clothes are neatly ironed. You’ll feel better if your clothing fits properly—and you’ll appear more confident.

Invest in fitting, appropriate shoes. Don’t neglect your feet. You may have a beautiful, well-tailor outfit on – now make sue y our shoes are professional and comfortable.

Pay close attention to grooming. Watch out for other non-verbal cues like bad breath, the tattoos on your arms and rings at inappropriate places. Make sure your hair is neat and fingernails are clean. You want to look elegant from head to toe.

Focus on the right accessories

Accessories are important, too, and whether you’re a male or female it is better to exercise a little caution and err on the conservative side.

  • Men: Please sport a nice, clean haircut, shave properly and keep facial hair to a minimum.
  • Dress according to the season. Unknowingly you may be wearing a thick turtleneck sweater in the middle of the summer.
  • Go easy on the perfume or aftershave. You never know if your interviewer is allergic and you don’t want your scent to be the first thing that enters the room
  • Women: Wear neutral colored nail polish and avoid too much make up.
  • Don’t wear too much jewellery—and make sure what you do wear isn’t too large, distracting, or flashy.
  • Needless to say, please don’t wear anything that is too revealing.  Avoid articles of clothing with loud, busy prints. It’s best to wear solid colours that flatter your skin tone.
  • Avoid heavy eye shadow, eyeliner and bright coloured lipstick.

In summary, let your clothes make a power statement without saying a word.

Make no mistake – most employers form a first impression during the first seven seconds of a meeting. And the picture you create will greatly influence your chances of being hired.

Employers consistently ask, “does the individual look right for the job?” and so, half the battle in interviewing is proving that you belong and can be part of the team. People hire those who they believe will “fit” into their organization. Your skills, experience, and qualifications will get you till the interview table.. Your attitude and appearance will express motivation and professionalism. Now let your clothing and grooming create the image that will help you nail the job offer.

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